Demo Deployment

Important: If you are looking for a demonstration of PubHubs, to evaluate it, this is not it. The best thing is to get in touch with the main PubHubs team.

There is sometimes a demo deployment running on this site. This is not suitable for people who want to evaluate PubHubs. It is intended for myself and possibly other developers who build and run their own PubHubs components. The user interface is here:

  • This demo comes with no guarantees of any kind. It may be unavailable or out-of-date. Data is periodically purged.

  • To access the demo, you need the Yivi app with its developer mode enabled. Choose 'Register' in the PubHubs site, and use the Yivi app to create demo attributes. Then log in.

  • To properly demonstrate the 'disclosure' flow, you need to create two sets of demo credentials (one as moderator, one as recipient) and log in with them in two separate browser sessions, and ask me to grant the 'admin' privilege to your moderator account.